Healthy Living Ministry
This team seeks to educate and encourage people of all ages to lead healthy lives and advocate for health concerns in the community. The team provides programming and events that will strengthen the physical, emotional, mental, spiritual, social and financial health of our congregation and the community.
Chairperson: Jen Collins | Send Email
Home Communion Servers
Lay persons who are specifically trained in giving Communion to members of our church family who are not able to participate or attend worship on a regular basis due to age or illness. The visitors provide Home Communion to their assigned member on a monthly basis.
Coordinator: Doug Renken | Send Email
Armed Forces Ministry
Keeps members serving our country connected to the congregation through the SOWER, cards and notes, and contact information posted and distributed to the congregation.
Coordinator: Gary Norenberg | Send Email
Prayer Shawl Ministry
Volunteers pray as they knit or crochet prayer shawls for people who are going through difficult times in their lives. The patterns used have multiples of three stitches to represent the Trinity. These prayer shawls will then be blessed and distributed to members in need.
Contact: St. Paul's Office | Send Email
Love Circle (WELCA)
There are many opportunities for the congregation to participate in the projects sponsored by the Women of the ELCA. Love Circle sponsors a bake sale in February, benefiting Caring Touch and the First Lutheran Church Food Pantry meat freezer. Women in the congregation who are interested in being a part of any of these ministries, can contact Karen Hansen. It is our prayer that we may know and do God’s will as a part of His Kingdom while we continue to serve Him.
Contact: Karen Hansen | Send Email
Prayer Chain
Asks for prayers for congregants through telephone call or email. Prayer requests may be called to the prayer chain coordinator for distribution to members of the prayer “chain.”
Contact: St. Paul's Office | Send Email